We’re on the road to Rhode Island!

Ello! I’m exhausted and it is almost 3:00am here in Rhode Island, but damn it, I’m determined to get something down, I can’t stop blogging two nights into this adventure. The PLAN for the day: Wake up at 8:30am, finish walking the remainder of the Freedom Trail, have some breakfast in Boston, head back to the room, make our way down to R.I., pick up the tuxedos for tomorrow, check into the hotel, leisurely head over to the rehearsal with time to spare. The ACTUAL day:  Reluctantly crawl out of bed around 11:00am, take showers and pack up, sit in traffic in the Boston area for over an hour, eat a Taco Bell brunch on the road, drive another hour to the wedding town, barely make it to R.I. with enough time to pick up the tuxedos, abandon the plan...

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Planes, Trains & Automobiles!

Planes, Trains & Automobiles!

Hi Everyone, Wow, what a day we had today. As stated in our earlier note we landed in Boston around 5:45 California time. We had very little sleep among the three of us but set out for a day in Boston on our own. Our first stop was a small cafe called Emerson’s to get coffee and breakfast. Nicole had an english muffin that was more bisquit than muffin and she thought it was delicious. Chet and I had bagel sandwiches and coffee. Acting like little kids Chet and I each ate half of the other’s sandwich so we could have a sausage sandwich and a ham sandwich. Chet’s sausage sandwich ruled the day! From here we went to a cemetery called Central Burying Grounds in Boston Commons, the oldest public park in the US. Boston Commons was made a public park...

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We have arrived! (In Boston)

We landed in Boston around 5:45 California time this morning. Nicole made it through the entire flight without crying; what a trooper! Nicole didn’t sleep at all on the plane and I only slept about 2 hours. Chet; however, slept almost the entire trip and hit Boston with a hitch in his step. We have checked into our hotel, changed clothes and are about to leave for our day in Boston. The plan: 2.5 mile Freedom Trail, Boston Commons and Fenway Park. We’ll update with pictures later. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tumblr it Tweet about it Tell a friend

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Today is the day!

Our flight leaves in 15hrs and 20min! We’re headed to Boston tonight, we’ll spend Friday in Boston with our buddy James, then the three of us head down to Rhode Island on Saturday and Sunday for Aaron and Tina’s wedding. After the festivities we head back up to Boston again to catch our flight to London on Monday morning. For those of you that don’t know exactly where we’re headed in Europe, Kevin made this nifty little map: [googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=112530478060016265911.0004711468323bae9dd0a&ll=47.754098,7.77832&spn=21.117406,57.084961&output=embed&w=425&h=350] We start in London, head over to Paris, work our way down to Rome and then stop over in Ireland on...

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Here Goes Nothing!

Ciao! Nicole here! This is my very first blog post EVER. I feel so high tech, yet so lost. It is currently Monday evening and instead of doing the un-fun stuff that needs to be done before we leave, I’m playing on here, simply for your enjoyment. I hope you’re enjoying this. You’re enjoying this, right? Well, now that I’ve confessed to not doing what I should be doing I’m feeling guilty and need to go do something “productive”. Hope you’ve enjoyed this first post and all that follow! Ciao for now! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tumblr it Tweet about it Tell a friend

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