An Amazing Roman Holiday…

I do not know the technical definition of holiday or how it is used in the UK when someone goes on holiday but I would think it would be relaxing. Rome is not! Now I am not complaining but I wanted to remember the fact that this trip, all 3 weeks that we’ve completed, has been exhausting. Exhausting can be good, like finishing a race or a project or building a fence; or being in Rome. I mean let’s be honest I shouldn’t be complaining about being tired when I haven’t worked, cleaned a dish, vacuumed, dusted or pruned a tree in over 3 weeks. And I’m not, I’m really not complaining. I’m just saying, it’s exhausting work to be a tourist. What made today so exhausting? Well loyal readers I will tell you. Exhausting step...

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“I’m On A Boat”

This is our 8th day on tour. Today started early; too early to be honest. We had to be fed, watered and on the bus by 8am. As we all know, that is too early for Nic and I.  We did make it downstairs at 7:50 for a quick breakfast before boarding the bus. Today was a big bus day, we left at 8am and didn’t arrive in Venice until 5pm. Yep, 9 hours on a bus, or I should say 9 hours traveling. I am used to the Howe/Heuer method of car travel: you get in the car and you go until 45 seconds before you either die of starvation or pee yourself. There is no leisurely stroll down the highway. You have to get from point A to point B and you HAVE to be in the car. You don’t choose to be. If you were a zillionaire you’d take a plane or a helicopter or...

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